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Complementary activities:

There are a series of objectives, especially those related to individualized education, which are sometimes left out of the core curriculum. These objectives are important aspects of education, but they are often overlooked in official syllabi.

The SEK International Institution endeavors to make the necessary stimuli available to students in order to answer their educational needs, and it carefully designs complementary activities which cater for the uniqueness of each student.

In order to answer to the individual demands of students we created the SEKCREATIVE range of subjects, which comprise many different workshops throughout the school year. In these workshops, students must collaborate with their classmates in order to reach common goals, solve the problems that they are faced with, etc. We want students to collaborate in creating their own learning, which can in turn help them in their social or working lives outside school. We have also created new CLUBS, our most entertaining subjects, that make it possible for students to learn while having fun.

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