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Student Club

The Student Club is an organ to manage and organize students. They organize activities for the whole School and manage study/play facilities to ensure everyone can enjoy them fully. Being a part of the Student Club helps pupils become more responsible and independent in their decision-making processes.

1. To promote the necessary spirit of solidarity beyond the strictly academic context.
2. To provide students with a framework for the development of their abilities and of their personal interests.
3. To generate the necessary appeal to guarantee that activities are student-managed and to stimulate responsible leadership and responsible management.
4. To promote teachers and students sharing experiences beyond the classroom, thus reinforcing the teacher-student relationship, essential for the balance between learning and education in ethical values.
5. To assume its essential role of participation in School life, and to feel responsible for this task.


  • Elections for the governing body
  • Charity donations
  • Christmas lottery
  • Movie forum
  • Grand Student’s Day
  • Student Club Party
  • Cultural and recreational trip

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